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Friday 7 November 2014

Question paper of Social science for class III

Question paper of Social science for class III
TIME: 3 Hours                    SOCIAL SCIENCE                M.M. 80
Q1. Choose the correct answer.                                1x10=10
i. ____________ has a continental climate.
(a) Delhi        (b) Mumbai         (c) Kolkata             (d) Chennai 
ii. How many states are there in India?
(a) 28        (b) 29        (c) 30                (d) 32
iii. Elephanta caves are in:
(a) Delhi        (b) Mumbai        (c) Jaipur            (d) Kolkata
iv ___________ has a moderate climate.
(a) Delhi        (b) Mumbai        (c) Jaipur            (d) Kolkata
v. Chennai is located along the _____________.
(a) east coast    (b) north coast    (c) south coast        (d) west coast
vi. Kolkata is a ____________ populated.
(a) thinly        (b) thickly        (c) both a and b        (d) none of these
vii Which place is not in Kolkata?
(a) Alipur zoo    (b) Marina beach    (c) Eden garden        (d) Indian museum
viii Which one is not a source of knowledge of early man?
(a) Plastic tools    (b) Stone tools    (c) Cave paintings     (d) Remains shelter
(ix) Invention of ____________ helped in rapid progress.
(a) fire        (b) farming        (c) wheel            (d) stones
(x) Early men covered their bodies with _____________.
(a) animal skin    (b) leaves        (c) both a and b        (d) none of these
Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:                    1x10=10
   Madras        Chennai            banyan         farming        Red Fort       Shantivan
    Settled life         Dharvi        dreams         appeared    stones   

i. The area near the _______________________ was called Shahjahanabad.
ii. ______________________________ is the Samadhi of Jawaharlal Nehru.
iii. Mumbai is the city of _________________________.
iv. ________________________ is the largest slum area of Asia.
v. Earlier Chennai was called ________________________.
vi. Marina is the famous beach of _____________________.
vii. Botanical garden of Kolkata is famous for ______________________ tree.
viii. Early man _________________________on the earth long time ago.
ix. Fire was made by rubbing two ________________________.
x. _____________________ made the life settled of early man.
Q3. Write true or false against each statement.                    1X10=10
i. Discovery of wheel made life uncomfortable.                    (    )
ii. The early man did not live in a group.                        (    )
iii. Early man could not read and write.                        (    )
iv. Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated in Kolkata.                    (    )
v. Howrah bridge was made by Mughals in India.                  (    )
vi. Chennai has hot climate.                                (    )
vii. Marina beach is in Mumbai.                            (    )
viii. Mumbai was a group of five islands.                        (    )
ix. The AIIMS is in Delhi.                                (    )
x. Delhi is situated on the bank of the river Ganga.                (    )
Q4. Match the column A with column B                        1x5=5

Sl.n    Column - A    Column - B      
   1    National capital territory      Chennai      
   2    Busiest sea ports     Early man      
   3     St. Mary’s Church     Delhi      
   4    The Victoria Memorial     Mumbai      
   5     Potter’s wheel     Kolkata   

Q5. Write the word meaning of following:                        1x5=5
i. Cave
ii. Sledges
iii. Botanical 
iv. Gopuram
v. Beach
Q6.  Answer the following in short.                            2x10=20
i. Where is the Lotus temple, when was it completed?
ii. What is the height of India Gate?
iii. Write two reasons why Mumbai is famous.
iv. Where is Chennai located?
v. Explain the climate of Chennai.

vi. Who was Rabindra Nath Tagore? When did he win Nobel Prize?
vii. What were the early humans afraid of?
viii. What did the early man wear?
ix. How did early man learn to grow crops?
 x. If you go to Chennai, which places you would like to see?
Q7. Answer the following in brief:                            5x4=20
i. Draw a wheel and write the name of 4 means of transport which have wheel.
ii. Describe about the Historical background of Kolkata.
iii. Write the names of five Samadhi and name whose Samadhi they are.
 iv. On the outline map of India locate Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Arabian sea.                                           

Name______________________________________________________ Date_________________


Question paper for kg class of cbse

Question paper for kg class of cbse

Question paper for kg class of cbse

Question paper for kg class of cbse
Question paper for kg class of cbse

Question paper of entrance exam for special B ed

B.Ed. (Special Education)
Entrance Examination 2014
Note: Select the most appropriate answer from the given alternatives
1. International Literacy day is celebrated on-
a. 5th June
b. 8th September
c. 12th October
d. 15th November
2. Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) deals with-
a. Universalization of elementary education
b. Universalization of secondary education
c. Improvement in quality education
d. Promoting education as a fundamental right
3. Famous Macaulay education act was passed in –
a. 1828
b. 1835
c. 1837
d. 1852
4. The host of 2014 FIFA World Cup is-
a. Mexico
b. London
c. Qatar
d. Brazil
5. Latest 2014 IPL trophy is won by-
a. Kolkata Knight Rider
b. Kings XI Punjab
c. Chennai Super Kings
d. Mumbai Indians
6. Who is the author of ‘Suitable Boy’?
a. Amitav Ghosh
b. Aundhati Roy
c. Chetan Bhagat
d. Vikram Seth
7. Which one of the following is the largest ocean?
a. Arctic Ocean
b. Atlantic Ocean
c. Pacific Ocean
d. Indian Ocean
8. Vice president of India is also the chairman of-
a. Rajya Sabha
b. Lok Sabha
c. Standing Committee for Parliamentary affairs
d. Standing Committee for foreign affair
9. Who is the newly elected president of Egypt?
a. Mohd. Morsi
b. Hosni Mubarak
c. Mohd. Bin-kasim
d. Abdel-Fattah-El-Sisi
10. Who wrote ‘Rajatarangini’?
a. Banabhatta
b. Kalhana
c. Bhushan Bhatta
d. Bhartendu Harishchander
11. Tropic of Cancer is also known as-
a. Northern Tropic
b. Southern Tropic
c. Eastern Tropic
d. Western Tropic
12. Which one of the following is a direct tax?
a. Sales tax
b. Service tax
c. Income tax
d. Excise tax
13. Who discovered Penicillin?
a. Louis Pasteur
b. Joseph Lister
c. Edward Jenner
d. Alexander Fleming
14. USA was declared independent nation on –
a. 4th July 1756
b. 4th July 1776
c. 4th July 1828
d. 4th July  1856
15. Indian Parliament enacted RTE Act in-
a. 2002
b. 2005
c. 2009
d. 2010
16. Chairman of world bank is-
a. Robert Zoellick
b. Jim Yong Kim
c. Paul Wolfowitz
d. James  Wolfensohn
17. ‘Dandi March’ was undertaken by Gandhiji in-
a. 1928
b. 1929
c. 1930
d. 1931
18. Which part of the donated eye is used to restore vision?
a. Retina
b. Lens
c. Optic Nerves
d. Cornea
19. Uneven corneal surface results into-
a. Astigmatism
b. Myopia
c. Hyperopia
d. Presbyopia
20. Louis Braille day is celebrated on-
a. 4th January
b. 15th April
c. 27th June
d. 3rd December
21. How many embossed dotes are used in Braille script for the blind?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
22. Which of the following is a myth about blind people?
a. Blind people have a sixth sense
b. Blind people have better musical ability
c. Blind people have better hearing ability
d. All of the above
23. Night blindness is due to the deficiency of –
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D
24. Children from a disabled couple are more likely to be-
a. Disabled
b. Partially disabled
c. Non-disabled
d. None of the above
25. Children with intellectual disability-
a. Cannot be educated al all
b. Can be fully educated
c. Can be educated/ trained to some extend
d. None of the above
26. National Institute for the Visually Handicapped (NIVH) is located at-
a. Dehradun
b. Secundrabad
c. Mumbai
d. Kolkata
27. World day for the disabled is celebrated on-
a. 3rd Sunday of the march
b. 27th June
c. 12th October
d. 3rd December
28. The possible cause of learning disability is-
a. Mall nutrition
b. Central nervous system dysfunction
c. Subnormal intelligence
d. Poor Education
29. Sign language is used by-
a. Blind individuals
b. Learning disabled
c. Deaf individuals
d. Mentally retarded people
30. Helen Keller was a famous-
a. Teacher of deaf-blind individuals
b. Founder of first school for the deaf-blind
c. Advocate of inclusive education
d. American deaf-blind women
31. Modern system of education is-
a. Child centred
b. Knowledge centred
c. Teacher centred
d. Society centred
32. The most important role of a teacher is-
a. Character building
b. National integration
c. All round development of the child
d. National development
33. The most important role special teacher is-
a. Providing consultancy too the parents of children with disability
b. Catering special educational needs of children with disabilities
c. Providing consultancy to regular classroom teacher
d. Creating awareness about disabled and disabilities
34. Which one of the following is most important for a special teacher?
a. Appropriate attitude towards disabled and disability
b. Sympathy for the disabled
c. Knowledge about disability
d. Compassion for the disabled
35. A good teacher should-
a. Respect the child
b. Teach the child
c. Pamper the child
d. Understand the child
36. Emerging concept of smart school means-
a. School where only smart children will be admitted
b. School where teaching will be done by computers
c. School where teaching/learning will be interactive and utilize multimedia
d. School which will not be bound by prescribed curricula
37. Learning of child does not depend on-
a. Age and maturity
b. Previous experiences
c. Economic status
d. Motivation
38. Which one of the following activity is best suited for emotional outlets of children?
a. Speech
b. Singing
c. Dramatization
d. Debates
39. Teaching profession is most appropriate for me because-
a. I am a peace loving person
b. I love children
c. I like to teach
d. I like to learn
40. Which one of the following is a factor of learning?
a. Motivation
b. Interest
c. Attention
d. All of the above
41. The first bunch of bananas has ¼ excess to as many as bananas in the second lesser bunch. If the second bunch has 3 bananas less than the first bunch then what is the number of bananas in the first bunch?
a. 9
b. 10
c. 12
d. 15
42. 50 students were admitted to a Nursery Class. Some students can speak only English and some can speak both English and Hindi. If the number of students who can speak English is 21 and who can speak both the language is 10,  then how many students can speak Hindi, How many can speak only Hindi and how many can speak only English?
a. 39, 29 and 11 respectively
b. 37, 27 and 13 respectively
c. 28, 18 and 22 respectively
d. 21, 11 and 29 respectively
43. A bus starts from city A. the number of women in the bus is half of the number of men. In city B, 10 men left the bus and five women entered. Now number of men and women is equal. In the beginning how many passengers entered the bus?
a. 15
b. 30
c. 36
d. 45
44. A can complete a piece of work in 8 days, whereas A and B together can complete the same work in 6 days. How long will it take for B alone to complete the work?
a. 22 Days
b. 23 Days
c. 24 Days
d. 25 Days
45. A car travels from A to B at the speed of 90 kmph. It returns from B to A at the speed of 60 kmph. What is the average speed of the car?
a. 75 kmph
b. 74 kmph
c. 73 kmph
d. 72 kmph
46. How many combinations of two digit number having 8 can be made from the following numbers?
8, 5, 2, 1, 7, 6
a. 9
b. 11
c. 12
d. 14
47. If the sum of three consecutive numbers is 15 what is the square of the middle number?
a. 16
b. 25
c. 36
d. Cannot be determined
48. Which one of the following pair is odd one?
a. 476 and 647
b. 921 and 192
c. 831 and 138
d. 125 and 512
49. If Saturday falls four days after today which is 6th January, on which day did the first of December of the last year fall?
a. Tuesday
b. Friday
c. Sunday
d. Monday
50. How many numbers are there from 3 to 100 which are divisible by 4 and either unit digit or tenth digit or both include 4?
a. Less than 10
b. 10
c. 11
d. 19

Saturday 20 July 2013

This is our another testing post but copy the same

This is our a testing post of for this blog and we are going to write a foolishful article and we are going to write in these something about oldness and something about old is gold today is

This is our a testing post of for this blog

This is our a testing post of for this blog and we are going to write a foolishful article and we are going to write in these something about oldness and something about old is gold today is